Quick Fixes for Common iPhone 5 Problems

iPhone 5

According to several news outlets, Apple sold 5 million units of the new iPhone 5 within 3 days. There is a high probability that most of the people who bought these units were doing so for the first time, and a small proportion was upgrading from their old iPhones. Given that the majority of customers were not familiar with how to work around the issues of the iPhone, there will be plenty of complaining. You will find useful information about iPhone issues and software at https://lpqueen.com/.

Here are some of the issues that face the iPhone 5 and how to work around them.

Apple maps

Problem: Apple and Google have been competing to gain superiority on the maps feature. In most iPhones, the users could access Google maps, but in iPhone 5 Apple stripped off the Google feature and replaced it with their own Apple maps. However, users claim that it is not accurate, is buggy, and does not have the core features of Google maps which past users had come to rely on.

Workaround: Apple will have to address the shortcomings of their application, Meanwhile, Google has developed Google maps for iOS 6. However, they have not created a standalone application yet. Right now, you can point the browser of your phone to maps.google.com and you will be able to access the online version.

Wi-Fi Connection

Problem: The iPhone 5 has issues when connecting to Wi-Fi networks. The connection speed is very slow. Sometimes the device will not connect to the network at all, or it will suddenly drop the connection when you are working. There are users who say that even standing next to the router does not improve the connection.

Workaround: Hold down the home button and the lock button simultaneously until the apple logo appears and the phone reboots. The Wi-Fi connection will now work properly, but this is not recommended for long-term use. Apple will have to release the iOS 6.0.2 update which contains a patch to specifically repair this Wi-Fi issue. You should download the update for a permanent fix. Want to fix your Wi-Fi connection problem visit this dedicated website https://theencarta.com/. This site will help you find reliable solutions for all your problems.

Overheating and fast battery drainage

Problem: The problem with iOS 6.1 is the fact that it causes a fast battery drain, making the phone overheat. Apple produced an iOS 6.1.2 update, but the problem still persists. It seems that the Microsoft Exchange 2010 issue, which plagued earlier updates, was not resolved.

Workaround: Select Settings > Mail > Contacts and Calendars > Fetch New Data and turn Push to Off and select Manually at the foot of the screen. What this achieves is turning off the automatic reception of emails, which causes the battery to drain and overheat. You will only receive the emails when you turn on the application. This may seem tedious, but it beats having a heated iPhone in your hand, and having to recharge the battery frequently.

Most Photos have a purple glare

Problem: The iPhone 5 is touted to have the best camera in the market, but it has a flaw. A purple glare occurs when taking a photo that is backlit. The effect is magnified when you have a lens flare from a light bulb or the sun. This makes the photos look unnatural.

Workaround: Apple apologized to their customers for this flaw and suggested changing the position of the gadget slightly to reduce the amount of glaring light that is entering the lens. They also say that shielding the lens with your hands will remove the effect.

There are a host of other issues that come with the iPhone 5, but these are the most common basic features and every iPhone 5 owner uses them frequently. If you are interested in learning more about iPhone issues and software or have an iPhone or any other Apple Device you’d like to repair or just make better use of, visit this dedicated website https://storywheel.cc/ for useful information.