New School’s Game Art Degree

New School’s Game Art Degree

Gaming is a serious business! Many studies and reports point to the fact that the games industry is:

  • Going to be worth upwards of $100 billion in the next three years
  • 60% of the industry’s revenue will come from mobile and online gaming by the year 2017
  • Game designers have the potential to earn anywhere between $70,000 and $90,000 annually.

So it does make a lot of sense for people to look at formal degrees when it comes to game art. If you are looking for a website that provides you with complete information about selecting a perfect degree, then look at this website:

How to choose the right degree?

There are quite a few leading institutions and schools that offer various kinds of education programs when it comes to forging your career as a game developer. It would be a good idea for you to visit the website of such a school and figure out what are the highlights of the program before enrolling for the same.

Important aspects of a game art degree

A school dedicated to a game development degree should offer:

  • Faculty members are drawn from the industry and equipped with fabulous technical skills
  • A focus on the practical aspects of gaming will give students the opportunity to work on a major game project
  • Strong connections with the gaming industry which will give the students a chance to interact with professional game developers and
  • The opportunity to develop a career in various fields including animation, game designing, level designing and so on.

Furthermore, you can read our articles on this website to get more details about selecting a professional degree for developing a better career.

Length of the program

There are quite a few schools that offer programs of varying lengths. Again, your choice of school and program will depend on the time and finances that you have at your disposal. It would be a good idea for you to delve into the curriculum of each program so that you are confident about covering all the important aspects as far as a career in game art is concerned. Software, industry experience, game design mechanics, game theory, and ways and means by which you can enhance creative thinking are all very important aspects of this career.

There is no denying the fact that having a degree from a leading school such as New School’s Game Arts Degree can go a very long way in boosting your portfolio and your chances of getting a job with a great design firm. Of course, you can always use your degree to launch a solo career as well but it all has to start with building a great base for yourself and you can do this only with the right kind of game art degree. You can also check out this website to get detailed information about the game art degree.