Awesome Car Features We Can’t Live Without

Car Features

The technology in cars is always changing. New car models come equipped with a variety of fascinating technological advancements, including self-parking vehicles and lights that illuminate corners as you approach them at night to reduce the stress of nighttime driving. Many automakers are even testing self-driving vehicles, which is pretty cool.

Imagine being able to get into your car and let it drive you to work whilst you sit back and catch up on your emails, read the morning newspaper, or if, like me, you’re not a morning person, you could just have a nap! But I digress. Self-driving cars are still being developed by car manufacturers, so in the meantime, we still have to drive ourselves to work, unfortunately! You can also visit this website to get detailed information about the latest models and news in the auto industry.

Of course, there are some great features that we sometimes take for granted in the cars that we drive today. Here are some awesome car features that we can’t live without!

Power Steering

The history of power steering dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, although the world’s first commercially-available passenger car power steering system was introduced by American car marque Chrysler back in 1951.

In the UK, power steering wasn’t widely adopted on all modern cars until the late 1990s, as they tended to be offered as an optional extra on some cars and were standard only on high-end models and executive cars.

Automatic Transmissions

In countries such as the United States and Australia, cars mainly have automatic transmissions fitted to them, whereas, in European countries such as good old Blighty, many people drive cars with manual transmissions.

There was something of a stigma attached to cars in the UK that has automatic transmissions, as many people stereotyped them as being “old man’s cars” if they didn’t have a manual transmission.

But with the need for increased efficiency and fuel economy on our cars today that trend is shifting, with many people opting either for cars with traditional automatic transmissions, or clutchless manual transmissions, which can also be driven by people that have licenses that limit them to driving automatic cars only. Learn more about the latest models of automobiles on this dedicated website:

The automatic transmission was invented in the early 1920s in the USA.

Air Conditioning

In 20th-century automobiles, air conditioning was primarily regarded as a luxury, similar to power steering. Nowadays, the majority of cars come equipped with air conditioning or climate control, allowing the passengers to choose the preferred interior temperature.

Despite the fact that Britain doesn’t typically have year-round sunshine, air conditioning is useful for removing moisture from the air in our cars, which makes it easier to demist windows. This is a very helpful feature for those who are constantly running late for work due to having to keep their car windscreens cleared!

Central Locking

Another feature of today’s modern car that we can’t live without is central locking! The majority of cars today feature remote central locking, so we don’t even need to use a key in the door as we can lock and unlock our cars from a close distance! For further information, visit this website: