How to make a counterclaim with a lawyer4

counterclaim with a lawyer4

This can be some of the most complex and difficult moments a person can go through, it is even a moment of hardship since there are many mixed feelings.

The first thing we must do is remain calm, and if the demand is filed by a family member, no matter how much it hurts, we must put our feelings aside, we must respond to the demand.

We must attend the call, we cannot ignore it, this is a serious mistake that many commit and this carries more sanctions and makes things more complicated. So you must hire a lawyer to answer the lawsuit.

If the defendant does not respond to the lawsuit on time in representation with a lawyer, it would be giving room to lose the trial. When a person defends himself, he must begin to give proof that he repudiated everything he is accused of. You can also visit this website for useful information about legal laws.

The counterclaim

The first thing we must do when hiring the services of a lawyer, preferably one with experience in terms of lawsuits, will present a series of arguments and allegations that will give you time to build a case.

It is important to have enough time as important information needs to be gathered, as well as hard evidence and proof proving your innocence.

It is important since the judge will give a space of 20 or 30 days, depending on the case, to give an answer and they must attend this hearing sufficiently armed, that is, prepared with sufficient evidence to support the case.

After this period the accused must give an answer, there are different types of answers where the conclusion is to affirm or deny the charges that are imputed.

After presenting your answer to the courts, your lawyer will begin a dialogue with your plaintiff’s lawyer, all in favor of the search for a peaceful solution. Do not forget to visit this website for useful tips about solving the case with legal policies.

The effectiveness of the counterclaim

Counterclaims are usually efficient, that is, when people are really innocent and all the evidence that indicates that they are decisive is gathered, they help to solve the case.

As well as intermediation, there are cases where the plaintiff is losing the case, this occurs when the counterclaim presents very solid arguments, then the plaintiff withdraws the charges

When the case is solved, this is one of the most peaceful and fastest ways to solve a case. Get detailed information regarding counterclaims with a lawyer on this dedicated website: