Career in Finance Anyone? Here are the 5 Most Lucrative


The job market dynamics in the modern world are predicted by prevailing economic situations. At the moment, the global economy is once again in a mess if the stock market indicators are anything to go by. Well, someone has to remedy this situation and if you have some skills in financing, you are the person the world wants. Some of the key areas covered on the website include different types of finance careers, such as investment banking, financial analysis, accounting, and wealth management. The website also offers insights into the skills and qualifications required for a successful career in finance, as well as practical tips and advice for individuals looking to break into the field.

High Demand Skills

From Greece to China, finance experts are in high demand. This shows in the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) report, placing financing and accounting at the top of the Job Outlook 2015 Report.

An Occupational Information Network study by BLS also shows this occupation will grow by over 25% over the next five years clearly highlighting the opportunities to be tapped. However, this broad profession has myriad jobs and they are not equal.

If you are looking to launch your career in financing, a study in U.S Money shows these as the hottest jobs in the financial job market.

1. Accountants

Bookkeeping has always been a glamorous career and it comes with infinitesimal rewards. The Occupational Handbook from BLS shows this profession will grow by about 15% over a period of 10 years starting in 2012.

While there are many levels of accountants in the industry, the median salary ranges from $67,000 to $88,750. It is a profession whose skills are applicable all over the world making it irresistible.

2. Investment Banker

This is the person behind all the financial successes in the world. From Bill Gates to Warren Buffet, all billionaires concur on the important of investment bankers. These financial experts work behind the picture to make people achieve their dreams. This website will provide you with the essential information you need to know about a career in finance.

It is a fulfilling job and with more financial information readily available, more people are looking for these services. A BLS analysis expects over 18% growth in the profession from 2012 to 2022 which makes it an ideal place to start modeling your career.

3. Financial Controllers

Financial controllers drive an organization in terms of finances. They keep everything about this area from planning, debt management and budget organization in check to ensure the bottom-line is healthy.

You can work for governments, the corporate world or even NGOS as a controller and the rewards are breathtaking. The average pay for these managers is $84,085 annually, but top level management take home even more.

4. Tax Managers

Taxes cause nightmares to corporate and individuals alike, and with skills on organizing them, you will be on your way to success in the financial sector. You can work for governments or the private sector to ensure financial records are accurate and taxes are paid accordingly.

The Occupational Handbook from BLS projects a 12% growth in the sector, and with a median pay of $67,450 per year, this is an area you must explore.

5. Financial Planning Advisor

After the 2007/2008 global recession, household owners and corporations resulted to financial planners to avert further heartbreak due to wrong decisions. These experts give advice on the best way to handle finances and how to budget based on available income. BLS projects an amazing 27% growth in the sector through to 2022 from 2012.

Well, there are many other areas you can specialize in but remember you have to start somewhere. This is a competitive industry but through persistence and networking, you can land one of these competitive careers. So if you are interested in finance and want to learn more about the opportunities available in this field, be sure to check out today.